Dear C-COR EOS Customer,

C-COR Broadband Australia Pty Ltd is pleased to announce the Launch of our new Online Web Shopping facility. The NEW Online Shopping facility allows you to easily order from our extensive range of 600+ C-COR Construction and Installation materials using your Credit card or PAYPAL account for payment. As a result the “original” Express Online Shop(EOS) facility at will be discontinued on the 8th of February 2019.

As a valued EOS customer we welcome you to use our new C-COR Shop facility when making your next purchase with C-COR. We believe that it will add significant value to your purchasing experience.

To begin you will need a user account

Your previous EOS account can not be used for this new online shop. You can set up your new online account in just a few steps:

    1. Click on the Login/Register link on the top right corner of any page of C-COR website, or click here.
    2. Select the “New Account” Tab.
    3. Enter your name and email address and click the “Create Account” button.
    4. Your initial password will be sent to your email address within 60 minutes. Sometimes the email may land in your spam folder.
    5. Go to the Shop page and log in with your credentials. This allows you to see prices and proceed with ordering.

Please refer to our FAQ page for more information